Digital Marketing Client Case

As I’ve approach the end of another semester, most of my courses are asking me to write research reports or complete a simple programming project.  My digital marketing course is the exception however, as I am actually acquiring real world experience with a client case.  For this project I interviewed a local company about their digital marketing strategy, so that I can offer suggestions regarding how they could improve it within their resources.

I’ve been assigned to work with Cityfolk here in Dayton, and they are already doing a great job of regularly maintaining their website and social media channels.  After meeting with them last week I was not sure what more they could be doing, but I’m now ready to follow up with them to discuss the growing number of tools related to web analytics and social media management.  Google Analytics would be useful for tracking the results to of modifications to their website, blog, or any ad campaign.  A tool like HootSuite would be a great way to manage all of their accounts and track mentions so that they can actively respond and foster conversation.

While their overall target market is very broad, they also still have opportunities to target individual groups in smaller ad campaigns on Facebook.  Facebook is packed with statistics that you can use to specifically target individual campaigns toward regional fans of performing bands or their musical genres.  Facebook lets you see how many people any campaign would potentially reach, so you have instant feedback whether you are being too specific in your marketing.  With both Facebook and Google it is the actual advertising that costs you money, so it’s important for companies to consider their target markets and experiment with the powerful statistics that are being handed to them free of charge.

The key to digital marketing is to be engaged and constantly adapt your efforts in order to connect and form a bond with potential customers.  Unlike traditional means of advertising we have the power to actually see how people are reacting to us and use that information in order optimize that response in our favor.  We are rapidly reaching the point where a company might as well not exist if it does not have adequate and positive web presence.